Thursday, October 24, 2013

Caterpillars and Butterflies

We have some resident caterpillars in Room 7 who are munching through their milkweed. I am only hoping they don't change into a crysalis over Labour weekend and the children miss the magical change. After our trip to Butterfly Creek and our inquiry into the Life cycle of the butterfly...we are experts of knowledge at each stage of the cycle. The children have been creating a booklet. We are all loving this topic.

Reading in Room 7

Reading activities are a fun way to reinforce early reading skills. We recently acquired some new headphones and the children are enjoying reading along to audio stories with their reading group. Assessment is well and truly under way for upcoming reports and it is wonderful to see that the children are more confident and reading with fluency. Thanks for all the continued support with the home reading programme. It makes such a difference to children's learning when their home reading supports the classroom programme.